Cookies Policy

  1. Işbu Cookie and Privacy Policy, through the website (“Website”), Suud Textile Industry. Ltd. St. It applies to all persons (“User”) who use the products and/or services of the (“Company”).
  2. We use cookies to provide the best use of and improve your user experience. If you do not prefer the use of cookies, you can delete or block Cookies from your browser settings. However, we would like to remind you that this may affect your use of our website. Unless you change your Cookie settings in your browser, we will assume that you accept the usage of cookies on this site. You can find the regulations regarding the collected data in the Privacy Policy below.
  3. Işbu Cookie and Privacy Policy provides detailed information about the scope and purposes of the use of cookies on the Website by the Company, taking into account the privacy and protection of personal data of its Users, and fulfilling our obligation to inform about the use of cookies within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law (“Law”). prepared for the purpose. If you click on the confirmation option in the cookie notification warning on the Website, it is deemed that you consent to the use of Cookies. If you do not approve, only mandatory cookies will be used.
  4. Cookies are small identification and data storage files that are sent to your electronic devices when you access an online service through your browser and remember that your device has accessed the website or application. Cookies can send these files back to the source website or another website that recognizes cookies. In these files, information about your Web Site navigation is stored in order to enable you to benefit from some basic features of the Web Site, to remember your data when you use the Web Site again, and to enable you to use the Web Site more effectively and easily.
  5. Cookies collects data about your usage preferences and your navigation on the Website, the name and Internet Protocol (IP) address of the internet service provider you use to access the site on the electronic device, the date and time you access the Web Site, the pages accessed while on the Web Site and the direct connection to the site, including the internet address of the website.
  6. There are different types of cookies according to the purpose of use and the duration of use. Our company uses Mandatory Cookies, Authentication Cookies, Flash Cookies, Function Cookies, Analysis / Performance Cookies and Targeting / Advertising / Marketing Cookies type cookies.

This information is as follows:

For registered users,

User Name, Password, Email Address, Address Information, Bank Information (if the USER shared), Payment System Information, Other Descriptive Information, Basic Analytics Information (expected, requested and collected by Google Analytics and/or other analytics services), IP address information

For unregistered users,

Basic Analytical Information (expected, requested and collected by Google Analytics and/or other analytics services), a transmission, statistical and analytical information regarding any transaction made with other users on the WEBSITE, IP address information

Which of your data is not stored?

WEBSITE does not store private payment information in transactions made between USERS. You can find the list of not stored information below. List of not stored information:

  • Credit Card Number
  • Credit Card Expiry Date
  • Credit Card Security Number
  • Information identifying the USER paying in payment systems

Types of Cookies Used

Session Cookies: Session cookies are temporary cookies that are used during our visitors' visit to the Website and are deleted after the browser is closed. The main purpose of using such cookies is to ensure that the Website functions are proper during your visit.

Persistent Cookies: Persistent cookies are the types of cookies used to increase the functionality of the Website and to provide a faster and better service to our visitors.

Such cookies are used to remember your preferences and are stored on your device via browsers.

Some types of persistent cookies; It can be used to provide you with special suggestions, taking into account the issues such as your purpose of use of the Website.

Thanks to persistent cookies, if you visit our Website again with the same device, it is checked whether there is a cookie created by our Website on your device and if there is, it would be understood that you have visited the site before and the content to be sent to you is determined accordingly, thus providing you with a better service.

  1. Mandatory cookies and Analysis/Performance cookies cannot be disabled, but if you do not want other types of cookies to be stored on your computer, you can change your cookie usage preferences in your browser's settings or you can proceed without clicking the confirmation option on our cookie warning screen. Cookie management settings differ from browser to browser, and there is detailed information about cookies under the help menus of modern browsers.
  2. Company may update, amend or repeal the Işbu Cookie Policy provisions at any time. Any updated, changed or repealed provision shall become effective for the User at the time of publication. The fact that the User continues to use the Company's services or products after the change will mean her/his consent to the changes.

Privacy Policy

  1. As SUUD TEXTİLE INDUSTRY AND TRADE LIMITED COMPANY (“Company”), we work to ensure that visitors/members (“User”) can use all our services completely and securely and to protect the privacy of our members. We would like to inform you that our Privacy Policy fully complies with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 of the personal data of our members.

The Company does not share the information sent to it through the membership forms with third parties without the User's information or instructions to the contrary, and does not use or sell it for commercial purposes for any reason other than activity.

  1. Who is the Data Controller?

It is SUUD TEXTILE INDUSTRY AND TRADE LIMITED COMPANY, registered with the Trade Registry Directorate at İkitelli OSB Metal Work Industrial Site 17.Blok No:7 Başakşehir/ İstanbul with the registration number 164528-5.

  1. Which Personal Data Do We Process?

Your personal data obtained from your visit to our website are listed below:

  • Credentials
  • Communication Information
  • Customer Transaction Information
  • Transaction Security Information
  • Product/Service Usage Information
  • Request/Complaint Management Information

Your personal data is collected by the Company through cookies, which are technical             communication files, due to your visit to our website. For detailed information about cookies, please review the Cookie Policy.

  1. With Whom Users' Personal Data Can Be Shared?

The Company considers your personal information security rights as a priority for the protection of the data it stores. For this reason, the data collected by the Company is not shared with third parties, companies and institutions.

  1. Storage Periods of Personal Data of Data Owners

Although it has been processed in accordance with the provisions of the law and other relevant laws, personal data is deleted, destroyed or anonymized by the Company in the event that the reasons for its processing disappear. In accordance with the Law, the Company will be able to preserve personal data during the statute of limitations determined by the relevant legislation to be used within the scope of any possible dispute. In this case, the stored personal data is not accessed for any other purpose and is only accessed when it is required to be used in the relevant legal dispute.

  1. Users' Rights

Pursuant to Article 11 of the Law, Users have the following rights regarding their personal data:

  • Learning whether personal data is processed or not
  • If personal data has been processed, requesting information about it
  • Learning the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used in accordance with its purpose
  • Knowing the third parties to whom personal data is transferred at domestic or abroad
  • Requesting correction of personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing and requesting notification of the transaction made within this scope to the third parties to whom the personal data has been transferred
  • Requesting the deletion or destruction of personal data in the event that the reasons requiring its processing disappear, although it has been processed in accordance with the provisions of the KVK Law and other relevant laws, and requesting the notification of the transaction made within this scope to the third parties to whom the personal data has been transferred
  • Objecting to the emergence of a result against the person him/herself by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems
  • To request the compensation of the damage in case of loss due to unlawful processing of personal data

If you submit your requests regarding your rights to our Company through the methods specified in the Law, it will be concluded free of charge as soon as possible and within thirty days at the latest, depending on the nature of the request. However, if the transaction requires an additional cost, the fee in the tariff determined by the Personal Data Protection Board may be charged by the Company.

  1. Measures Taken to Ensure the Security of Personal Data of Data Owners

According to the importance that the company attaches to the protection of personal data and ensuring data security, in order to ensure data security in accordance with Article 12 of the KVK Law,

  • To prevent the unlawful processing of personal data
  • To prevent unlawful access to personal data
  • To ensure the protection of personal data

takes all necessary technical and administrative measures to ensure the appropriate level of security for the purpose.

  1. Method and legal reason for collecting personal data

Your personal data obtained through cookies are collected with your "explicit consent" for legal reasons.

  1. Enforcement

The company may change the terms of the Işbu Privacy Policy at any time. The current Privacy Policy becomes effective on the date it is submitted to the Data Owner by any means.

For your information,

Address: Suud Collection

İkitelli OSB Metal Work Industry Site 17.Block No:7 Başakşehir/İstanbul - 0850 259 78 83

E-mail: [email protected] Internet Address:




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